If you run a good store, you are probably doing everything you can to get your customers to come back. But they aren't going to read every email you send them. People get busy. But one thing they will do is look at the products they bought from you.
Imagine you sell premium coffee in your store.
If you put a HiBub label directly on the bag, your customer sees it. When the bag is empty, they see it again. And instead of having to log into Shopify or search their e-mails for that same product again, they either scan the QR code with an app on their phone or visit the short & simple Hibub link on the label. They are instantly taken to the shopping cart for YOUR shopify store with that exact product already added.
They can continue with checkout or browse for more items while they are there.
See the difference between HiBub and other forms of marketing?
With Hibub it took very little work from you. There were no emails to send, newsletters to draft, or phone calls to make. Your advertising for a potential return sale only cost a few cents of applying a label to a product or including it on marketing literature.
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